Date: May 22, 2018
Motivated by the fragmentation in the HPC systems research communities, the first Eurolab4HPC project managed to join forces among the major European research leaders in HPC. Moreover, in this first project, Eurolab4HPC delivered a long-term research vision on HPC technology (2023-2030), a validated HPC curriculum and best practices for on-line learning and a process for accelerating innovations. But it also managed to join other major HPC stakeholder organizations (ETP4HPC, PRACE, HiPEAC, HPC CoEs).
Per Stenström: "The second two-year project, we switch gears with the bold objective to have Eurolab4HPC build a connected and sustainable leadership in HPC systems."
To attain these objectives there are different key areas of focus:
"Clearly, Eurolab4HPC has a bold ambition and responsibility in Europe's quest for being a leader in HPC systems."